By The Name Of Tania


Based upon real testimonies, the film tells the story of Tania, a teenage girl forced into prostitution in the gold mining regions of Peru.

"Mary Jimenez and Bénédicte Liénard present a hybrid documentary with a bold narrative bias.
In their latest film, which leans on the lost souls of the Gold Rush in Peru, they once again offer their viewers a sort of survivalist cinema that is dedicated to survivors and highlights how survival instinct and a desire to live freely help us to resist barbarism. With the ultimate purpose of restoring the dignity of the people and persons dispossessed of their identity by the violence of men."




The Amazon flows lazily through the goldmine-gashed landscape of northern Peru. Using real eyewitness accounts, directors Bénédicte Liénard and Mary Jiménez tell the story of a young woman who winds up forced into prostitution when her initially hopeful attempt to escape the stifling limitations of village life goes wrong. Step by step, she is robbed of her moral and physical integrity. The film reconstitutes a space of dignity and returns voice and identity to that which has been formally rendered name¬less. With its powerful imagery, the girl’s traumatic odyssey embodies the horrific devastation visited upon the natural world by contemporary industrial society.

Film gallery


Film presentation
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Director: Bénédicte Liénard & Mary Jiménez
Genre: Hybrid
Country of production: Belgium, The Netherlands
Year of production: 2019
Length: 89 min
Color: color
Screening format: 2k, Flat (1.85:1)
Original language: Spanish
Subtitles: English, Dutch, French, Spanish, Dutch/French

Cast: Tanit Lidia Coquinche Cenepo, Ismael Vasquez Colchado, Fiorella J. Aguila, Yossimar Vietto Omnia
Scriptwriter: Bénédicte Liénard & Mary Jiménez
Director of photography: Virginie Surdej
Editor: Marie-Hélèe Dozo
Sound design: David Vranken
Producers: Hanne Phlypo
Co-producers: Julie Freres, Katja Draaijer, Javier Packer Comyn
Production company: Clin d’oeil films
Co-production company: Dérives, BALDR Film, CBA

Film poster

Festivals / Awards

Berlinale, Generation 14plus, Germany
MOOOV, Belgium
Documenta, Spain
Ghent Viewpoint Documentary FF, Belgium - Best Hybrid Documentary Feature Film Award
Agadir International Documentary FF (FIDADOC), Morocco - Jury Award
Melgaco International Documentary FF, Portugal
UrbanWorld FF, USA
Tirana IFF, Albania
Raindance IFF, UK - Best International Feature Film Award
Camden IFF, USA
UrbanWorld FF, USA
Tirana IFF, Albania
Independent FilmFest Osnabrück, Germany
Sao Paolo IFF, Brasil
Denver IFF, USA
Festival dei Popoli, Italy
Camerimages, Poland
Verzio FF, Hungary
Rabat IFF, Morocco
FilmArt, Switzerland
Zenexit Bilboa, Spain
This Human World, Austria
Semana del Cine, Peru - Best Film award
Viewpoint Ghent, Belgium 
Lussas Doc, France
FIFF Namur, Belgium
Tromso IFF, Norway
Göteborg FF, Sweden
Cinematèque of Cagliari, Italy
Lasa IFF, Mexico
UC Berkely, USA
A l'Est du Nouveau FF, France
The Festival of Latin American Women in Arts (FLAWA), UK
Femcine WFF, Chile
Cultural Center Lausanne, Switzerland


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